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Sgt Macefield & Cpl Kelham
Sgt Macefield & Cpl Kelham

Pretty Muddy 5K

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This Sunday (7th May 23), Cpl Kelham and Sgt Macefield completed the pretty muddy 5k, situated around the grounds of Prestwold Hall in North Leicestershire.
We navigated our way through countless obstacles including an A frame cargo net, a giant mud slide, as well as some natural obstacles given the recent rain in the area.
Tractors had left their marks on the ground resulting in nice deep channels of sludge to wade through.

The race was in order to raise money for Cancer Reasearch UK as well as the Multiple Sclerosis Society. These are two charities dedicated to finding cures for the respective conditions.
Sgt Macefields' Dad has endured Multiple Sclerosis for a decade now so he has witnessed firsthand the limiting effects it has to everyday life, "I am glad that the Charity is working towards a cure. In total our pub team raised nearly £4,000 with Cpl Kelham and myself amassing £595. We hope to return next year and raise even more money." Said Sgt Macefield.






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