Rank: Acting Sergeant
Abbreviation: A/Sgt
Addressed as: Sergeant
Candidates for SNCO (ATC) positions will usually serve a period of 3 months as a Civilian Instructor before attending a selection board at Wing HQ, if successful they are appointed in the rank of Acting Sergeant.
Before they pass the relevant courses, they are an acting sergeant, denoted by the white tape at the bottom of the rank slide.
Rank: Sergeant
Abbreviation: Sgt
Addressed as: Sergeant
Once they are appointed in the rank of Acting Sergeant, to confirm their appointment they must attend the week long Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Staff Initial Course (SSIC) at the Adult Training Facility, RAF Cranwell within 12 months and achieve satisfactory reports from their OC.
Then they no longer have to have the white tape on the rank slide.
Rank: Flight Sergeant
Abbreviation: FS
Addressed as: Flight Sergeant
After a completing a period of four years in the role of Sergeant, SNCO’s become eligible for promotion to Flight Sergeant.
Candidates with previous military service as a NCO may enter at this rank at the discretion of the Regional Commandant.
Rank: Warrant Officer
Abbreviation: WO
Addressed as: Sir/ Ma'am
After completing a further four years as a Flight Sergeant a SNCO becomes eligible for promotion to Warrant Officer (ATC).
To be appointed to this rank they are expected to have first completed the SNCO Staff Drill Instructors’ Course (SSDIC) at RAF Cranwell, and to have gained additional qualifications in one or more Corps activities (i.e. Shooting/Adventure Training).
They will then be interviewed by the Wing Commander and Wing Warrant Officer who will decide if they are suitable for appointment. If a candidate has previously served in HM Forces as a Warrant Officer (WO1) then they are permitted to enter at this rank, and are granted permission to wear the Royal Coat of Arms rank slide (Click the image).