Saturday 13th May was our annual Wing athletics meet at Saffron Lane Athletics stadium.
Competing against the thirty other Squadrons in our wing and with only a very small team, not even competing in every event, our squadron finished a respectable 15th.
We had three cadets who triumphed in their chosen events and they will go on to represent our Wing at the regional championships on Saturday 10th June at Grantham Athletics Stadium.
Well done to all our cadets that took part.
A special mention to Sgt Singer who smashed his own Personal best AND the Wing record (That he already held) in the 400m & 800m events.
By setting the new Wing records, Sgt Singer won the trophy for the Best Male Athlete of the day.
The three cadets that will go on to the regionals are:
Cdt Samantha Stock - 800m
Cpl Georgina Middleton - 100m, Shot & Relay
Sgt Finn Singer - 400m & 800m
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